Monday Over 35 Mens @ Harbord - Winter 2024 - Current Standings (Fixtures)

  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Seaforth Crusaders201523001236063048
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Filthy Sanchez, 15/04/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Norfolk n' Chance, 22/04/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs Seaforth Crusaders, 06/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Seaforth Crusaders, 13/05/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Seaforth Crusaders, 20/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • The Multinationals vs Seaforth Crusaders, 27/05/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Athletico Dads , 17/06/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Seaforth Crusaders, 24/06/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Seaforth Crusaders, 01/07/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Sorry Lads, 08/07/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Ageless Wonders, 15/07/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Athletico Manly, 22/07/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Hardly Athletic, 29/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs The Multinationals, 05/08/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Seaforth Crusaders, 12/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Athletico Dads vs Seaforth Crusaders, 19/08/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Norfolk n' Chance, 02/09/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs The Fans-Tastics, 09/09/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
The Fans-Tastics20123500985840041
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Athletico Dads , 15/04/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Filthy Sanchez, 22/04/2024 8:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Norfolk n' Chance, 29/04/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Sorry Lads, 06/05/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs The Fans-Tastics, 13/05/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs The Fans-Tastics, 20/05/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs The Fans-Tastics, 27/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • The Multinationals vs The Fans-Tastics, 17/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs The Fans-Tastics, 01/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs The Fans-Tastics, 08/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs The Fans-Tastics, 15/07/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Ageless Wonders, 22/07/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Hardly Athletic, 05/08/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Seaforth Crusaders, 12/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • The Fans-Tastics vs The Multinationals, 19/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Athletico Dads vs The Fans-Tastics, 26/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Filthy Sanchez, 02/09/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Filthy Sanchez201253001236657039
  • Seaforth Crusaders vs Filthy Sanchez, 15/04/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Filthy Sanchez, 22/04/2024 8:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Athletico Dads vs Filthy Sanchez, 29/04/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Filthy Sanchez, 06/05/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Norfolk n' Chance, 13/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Sorry Lads, 20/05/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Ageless Wonders, 27/05/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Filthy Sanchez, 17/06/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs The Fans-Tastics, 01/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Athletico Dads , 08/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Filthy Sanchez, 22/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Filthy Sanchez, 29/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs Filthy Sanchez, 05/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Hardly Athletic, 19/08/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Seaforth Crusaders, 26/08/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Athletico Dads 201181001028220034
  • Athletico Dads vs Norfolk n' Chance, 06/05/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs Sorry Lads, 13/05/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs Ageless Wonders, 20/05/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Athletico Dads , 27/05/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs The Fans-Tastics, 24/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs The Multinationals, 01/07/2024 8:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Athletico Dads , 15/07/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Athletico Dads , 22/07/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs Athletico Dads , 29/07/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs Athletico Manly, 05/08/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs Hardly Athletic, 12/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Athletico Dads , 09/09/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
The Multinationals201073001117635033
  • The Multinationals vs Ageless Wonders, 15/04/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Athletico Dads , 22/04/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Athletico Manly, 29/04/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Norfolk n' Chance, 20/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs The Multinationals, 24/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Dads vs The Multinationals, 01/07/2024 8:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Athletico Manly vs The Multinationals, 08/07/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Filthy Sanchez vs The Multinationals, 15/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs The Multinationals, 29/07/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Fans-Tastics vs The Multinationals, 19/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Ageless Wonders vs The Multinationals, 26/08/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Athletico Dads , 02/09/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Sorry Lads, 09/09/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Hardly Athletic2010820096915032
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Hardly Athletic, 15/04/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs Hardly Athletic, 29/04/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Hardly Athletic, 06/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • The Multinationals vs Hardly Athletic, 13/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Seaforth Crusaders, 20/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Hardly Athletic vs The Fans-Tastics, 27/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Hardly Athletic vs Norfolk n' Chance, 24/06/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Ageless Wonders, 08/07/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Athletico Manly, 15/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs The Multinationals, 22/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Norfolk n' Chance, 26/08/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Hardly Athletic, 02/09/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Sorry Lads20910100101992028
  • Sorry Lads vs Athletico Manly, 15/04/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Hardly Athletic, 22/04/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Seaforth Crusaders, 29/04/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Sorry Lads, 27/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Ageless Wonders, 17/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Athletico Manly vs Sorry Lads, 24/06/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Hardly Athletic vs Sorry Lads, 01/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Norfolk n' Chance, 05/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs The Multinationals, 12/08/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs Sorry Lads, 19/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Athletico Manly2081110092124-32025
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Athletico Manly, 17/06/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Ageless Wonders, 01/07/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs The Multinationals, 08/07/2024 6:30PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • The Fans-Tastics vs Athletico Manly, 29/07/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Filthy Sanchez, 12/08/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Norfolk n' Chance, 19/08/2024 6:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Athletico Manly vs Sorry Lads, 26/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Ageless Wonders vs Athletico Manly, 02/09/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Filthy Sanchez vs Athletico Manly, 09/09/2024 7:15PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Ageless Wonders2031610074135-61010
  • Ageless Wonders vs Athletico Manly, 22/04/2024 7:00PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Sorry Lads vs Ageless Wonders, 17/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 point for Draw
  • Ageless Wonders vs Norfolk n' Chance, 12/08/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Norfolk n' Chance vs Ageless Wonders, 09/09/2024 8:30PM
    • 3 points for Win
  • Position assignment between Seaforth Crusaders, The Fans-Tastics, Filthy Sanchez, Athletico Dads , The Multinationals, Hardly Athletic, Sorry Lads, Athletico Manly, Ageless Wonders and Norfolk n' Chance decided via points
Norfolk n' Chance2002000044173-12900


Monday 15 Apr 2024
6:30PMField 4
Seaforth Crusaders
6 - 6
Filthy Sanchez
7:00PMField 1
The Multinationals
6 - 0
Ageless Wonders
7:15PMField 4
Norfolk n' Chance
1 - 2
Hardly Athletic
7:45PMField 1
The Fans-Tastics
5 - 3
Athletico Dads
8:30PMField 1
Sorry Lads
10 - 3
Athletico Manly
Monday 15 April 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Seaforth Crusaders6
Filthy Sanchez6
7:00PM Field 1
The Multinationals6
Ageless Wonders0
7:15PM Field 4
Norfolk n' Chance1
Hardly Athletic2
7:45PM Field 1
The Fans-Tastics5
Athletico Dads 3
8:30PM Field 1
Sorry Lads10
Athletico Manly3
Monday 22 Apr 2024
6:30PMField 4
Sorry Lads
6 - 2
Hardly Athletic
7:00PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
8 - 5
Athletico Manly
7:15PMField 4
Seaforth Crusaders
6 - 0
Norfolk n' Chance
7:45PMField 1
The Multinationals
4 - 3
Athletico Dads
8:30PMField 1
The Fans-Tastics
5 - 5
Filthy Sanchez
Monday 22 April 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Sorry Lads6
Hardly Athletic2
7:00PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders8
Athletico Manly5
7:15PM Field 4
Seaforth Crusaders6
Norfolk n' Chance0
7:45PM Field 1
The Multinationals4
Athletico Dads 3
8:30PM Field 1
The Fans-Tastics5
Filthy Sanchez5
Monday 29 Apr 2024
6:30PMField 4
The Fans-Tastics
10 - 2
Norfolk n' Chance
7:00PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
3 - 4
Hardly Athletic
7:15PMField 4
Sorry Lads
9 - 7
Seaforth Crusaders
7:45PMField 1
Athletico Dads
3 - 7
Filthy Sanchez
8:30PMField 1
The Multinationals
5 - 4
Athletico Manly
Monday 29 April 2024
6:30PM Field 4
The Fans-Tastics10
Norfolk n' Chance2
7:00PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders3
Hardly Athletic4
7:15PM Field 4
Sorry Lads9
Seaforth Crusaders7
7:45PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 3
Filthy Sanchez7
8:30PM Field 1
The Multinationals5
Athletico Manly4
Monday 06 May 2024
6:30PMField 4
The Multinationals
3 - 5
Filthy Sanchez
7:00PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
3 - 10
Seaforth Crusaders
7:15PMField 4
The Fans-Tastics
5 - 2
Sorry Lads
7:45PMField 1
Athletico Manly
3 - 8
Hardly Athletic
8:30PMField 1
Athletico Dads
10 - 3
Norfolk n' Chance
Monday 06 May 2024
6:30PM Field 4
The Multinationals3
Filthy Sanchez5
7:00PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders3
Seaforth Crusaders10
7:15PM Field 4
The Fans-Tastics5
Sorry Lads2
7:45PM Field 1
Athletico Manly3
Hardly Athletic8
8:30PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 10
Norfolk n' Chance3
Monday 13 May 2024
6:30PMField 4
Athletico Dads
4 - 2
Sorry Lads
7:00PMField 1
The Multinationals
4 - 8
Hardly Athletic
7:15PMField 4
Ageless Wonders
1 - 11
The Fans-Tastics
7:45PMField 1
Filthy Sanchez
6 - 2
Norfolk n' Chance
8:30PMField 1
Athletico Manly
2 - 8
Seaforth Crusaders
Monday 13 May 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Athletico Dads 4
Sorry Lads2
7:00PM Field 1
The Multinationals4
Hardly Athletic8
7:15PM Field 4
Ageless Wonders1
The Fans-Tastics11
7:45PM Field 1
Filthy Sanchez6
Norfolk n' Chance2
8:30PM Field 1
Athletico Manly2
Seaforth Crusaders8
Monday 20 May 2024
6:30PMField 4
Athletico Manly
3 - 8
The Fans-Tastics
7:00PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
5 - 5
Seaforth Crusaders
7:15PMField 4
Athletico Dads
7 - 3
Ageless Wonders
7:45PMField 1
The Multinationals
12 - 2
Norfolk n' Chance
8:30PMField 1
Filthy Sanchez
8 - 2
Sorry Lads
Monday 20 May 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Athletico Manly3
The Fans-Tastics8
7:00PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic5
Seaforth Crusaders5
7:15PM Field 4
Athletico Dads 7
Ageless Wonders3
7:45PM Field 1
The Multinationals12
Norfolk n' Chance2
8:30PM Field 1
Filthy Sanchez8
Sorry Lads2
Monday 27 May 2024
6:30PMField 4
Filthy Sanchez
14 - 3
Ageless Wonders
7:00PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
1 - 1
The Fans-Tastics
7:15PMField 4
Athletico Manly
5 - 11
Athletico Dads
7:45PMField 1
Norfolk n' Chance
3 - 12
Sorry Lads
8:30PMField 1
The Multinationals
3 - 4
Seaforth Crusaders
Monday 27 May 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Filthy Sanchez14
Ageless Wonders3
7:00PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic1
The Fans-Tastics1
7:15PM Field 4
Athletico Manly5
Athletico Dads 11
7:45PM Field 1
Norfolk n' Chance3
Sorry Lads12
8:30PM Field 1
The Multinationals3
Seaforth Crusaders4
Monday 17 Jun 2024
6:30PMField 4
Norfolk n' Chance
4 - 9
Athletico Manly
7:00PMField 1
The Multinationals
5 - 6
The Fans-Tastics
7:15PMField 4
Hardly Athletic
1 - 6
Filthy Sanchez
7:45PMField 1
Sorry Lads
5 - 5
Ageless Wonders
8:30PMField 1
Seaforth Crusaders
7 - 1
Athletico Dads
Monday 17 June 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Norfolk n' Chance4
Athletico Manly9
7:00PM Field 1
The Multinationals5
The Fans-Tastics6
7:15PM Field 4
Hardly Athletic1
Filthy Sanchez6
7:45PM Field 1
Sorry Lads5
Ageless Wonders5
8:30PM Field 1
Seaforth Crusaders7
Athletico Dads 1
Monday 24 Jun 2024
6:30PMField 4
Filthy Sanchez
2 - 5
Seaforth Crusaders
7:00PMField 1
Athletico Dads
4 - 2
The Fans-Tastics
7:15PMField 4
Hardly Athletic
7 - 3
Norfolk n' Chance
7:45PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
4 - 10
The Multinationals
8:30PMField 1
Athletico Manly
5 - 8
Sorry Lads
Monday 24 June 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Filthy Sanchez2
Seaforth Crusaders5
7:00PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 4
The Fans-Tastics2
7:15PM Field 4
Hardly Athletic7
Norfolk n' Chance3
7:45PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders4
The Multinationals10
8:30PM Field 1
Athletico Manly5
Sorry Lads8
Monday 01 Jul 2024
6:30PMField 4
Athletico Manly
7 - 4
Ageless Wonders
7:00PMField 1
Filthy Sanchez
2 - 2
The Fans-Tastics
7:15PMField 4
Norfolk n' Chance
1 - 16
Seaforth Crusaders
7:45PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
5 - 8
Sorry Lads
8:30PMField 1
Athletico Dads
4 - 4
The Multinationals
Monday 01 July 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Athletico Manly7
Ageless Wonders4
7:00PM Field 1
Filthy Sanchez2
The Fans-Tastics2
7:15PM Field 4
Norfolk n' Chance1
Seaforth Crusaders16
7:45PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic5
Sorry Lads8
8:30PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 4
The Multinationals4
Monday 08 Jul 2024
6:30PMField 4
Athletico Manly
3 - 3
The Multinationals
7:00PMField 1
Norfolk n' Chance
2 - 5
The Fans-Tastics
7:15PMField 4
Seaforth Crusaders
5 - 4
Sorry Lads
7:45PMField 1
Filthy Sanchez
7 - 4
Athletico Dads
8:30PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
10 - 5
Ageless Wonders
Monday 08 July 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Athletico Manly3
The Multinationals3
7:00PM Field 1
Norfolk n' Chance2
The Fans-Tastics5
7:15PM Field 4
Seaforth Crusaders5
Sorry Lads4
7:45PM Field 1
Filthy Sanchez7
Athletico Dads 4
8:30PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic10
Ageless Wonders5
Monday 15 Jul 2024
6:30PMField 4
Seaforth Crusaders
4 - 3
Ageless Wonders
7:00PMField 1
Filthy Sanchez
2 - 6
The Multinationals
7:15PMField 4
Sorry Lads
1 - 4
The Fans-Tastics
7:45PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
12 - 2
Athletico Manly
8:30PMField 1
Norfolk n' Chance
0 - 6
Athletico Dads
Monday 15 July 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Seaforth Crusaders4
Ageless Wonders3
7:00PM Field 1
Filthy Sanchez2
The Multinationals6
7:15PM Field 4
Sorry Lads1
The Fans-Tastics4
7:45PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic12
Athletico Manly2
8:30PM Field 1
Norfolk n' Chance0
Athletico Dads 6
Monday 22 Jul 2024
6:30PMField 4
Sorry Lads
3 - 4
Athletico Dads
7:00PMField 1
Norfolk n' Chance
2 - 19
Filthy Sanchez
7:15PMField 4
The Fans-Tastics
6 - 0
Ageless Wonders
7:45PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
7 - 3
The Multinationals
8:30PMField 1
Seaforth Crusaders
5 - 4
Athletico Manly
Monday 22 July 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Sorry Lads3
Athletico Dads 4
7:00PM Field 1
Norfolk n' Chance2
Filthy Sanchez19
7:15PM Field 4
The Fans-Tastics6
Ageless Wonders0
7:45PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic7
The Multinationals3
8:30PM Field 1
Seaforth Crusaders5
Athletico Manly4
Monday 29 Jul 2024
6:30PMField 4
The Fans-Tastics
2 - 10
Athletico Manly
7:00PMField 1
Sorry Lads
2 - 7
Filthy Sanchez
7:15PMField 4
Ageless Wonders
4 - 8
Athletico Dads
7:45PMField 1
Seaforth Crusaders
9 - 3
Hardly Athletic
8:30PMField 1
Norfolk n' Chance
4 - 8
The Multinationals
Monday 29 July 2024
6:30PM Field 4
The Fans-Tastics2
Athletico Manly10
7:00PM Field 1
Sorry Lads2
Filthy Sanchez7
7:15PM Field 4
Ageless Wonders4
Athletico Dads 8
7:45PM Field 1
Seaforth Crusaders9
Hardly Athletic3
8:30PM Field 1
Norfolk n' Chance4
The Multinationals8
Monday 05 Aug 2024
6:30PMField 4
Seaforth Crusaders
4 - 2
The Multinationals
7:00PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
3 - 6
Filthy Sanchez
7:15PMField 4
Athletico Dads
11 - 2
Athletico Manly
7:45PMField 1
Sorry Lads
8 - 2
Norfolk n' Chance
8:30PMField 1
The Fans-Tastics
8 - 2
Hardly Athletic
Monday 05 August 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Seaforth Crusaders4
The Multinationals2
7:00PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders3
Filthy Sanchez6
7:15PM Field 4
Athletico Dads 11
Athletico Manly2
7:45PM Field 1
Sorry Lads8
Norfolk n' Chance2
8:30PM Field 1
The Fans-Tastics8
Hardly Athletic2
Monday 12 Aug 2024
6:30PMField 4
Sorry Lads
7 - 6
The Multinationals
7:00PMField 1
Athletico Dads
6 - 3
Hardly Athletic
7:15PMField 4
Athletico Manly
6 - 4
Filthy Sanchez
7:45PMField 1
The Fans-Tastics
3 - 3
Seaforth Crusaders
8:30PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
7 - 3
Norfolk n' Chance
Monday 12 August 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Sorry Lads7
The Multinationals6
7:00PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 6
Hardly Athletic3
7:15PM Field 4
Athletico Manly6
Filthy Sanchez4
7:45PM Field 1
The Fans-Tastics3
Seaforth Crusaders3
8:30PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders7
Norfolk n' Chance3
Monday 19 Aug 2024
6:30PMField 4
Athletico Manly
6 - 4
Norfolk n' Chance
7:00PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
5 - 8
Sorry Lads
7:15PMField 4
Filthy Sanchez
8 - 1
Hardly Athletic
7:45PMField 1
The Fans-Tastics
4 - 4
The Multinationals
8:30PMField 1
Athletico Dads
3 - 4
Seaforth Crusaders
Monday 19 August 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Athletico Manly6
Norfolk n' Chance4
7:00PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders5
Sorry Lads8
7:15PM Field 4
Filthy Sanchez8
Hardly Athletic1
7:45PM Field 1
The Fans-Tastics4
The Multinationals4
8:30PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 3
Seaforth Crusaders4
Monday 26 Aug 2024
6:30PMField 4
Filthy Sanchez
4 - 3
Seaforth Crusaders
7:00PMField 1
Athletico Manly
4 - 3
Sorry Lads
7:15PMField 4
Hardly Athletic
7 - 5
Norfolk n' Chance
7:45PMField 1
Athletico Dads
3 - 7
The Fans-Tastics
8:30PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
2 - 6
The Multinationals
Monday 26 August 2024
6:30PM Field 4
Filthy Sanchez4
Seaforth Crusaders3
7:00PM Field 1
Athletico Manly4
Sorry Lads3
7:15PM Field 4
Hardly Athletic7
Norfolk n' Chance5
7:45PM Field 1
Athletico Dads 3
The Fans-Tastics7
8:30PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders2
The Multinationals6
Monday 02 Sep 2024
6:30PMField 4
The Multinationals
8 - 2
Athletico Dads
7:00PMField 1
Ageless Wonders
2 - 4
Athletico Manly
7:15PMField 4
Seaforth Crusaders
8 - 0
Norfolk n' Chance
7:45PMField 1
Sorry Lads
0 - 6
Hardly Athletic
8:30PMField 1
The Fans-Tastics
2 - 1
Filthy Sanchez
Monday 02 September 2024
6:30PM Field 4
The Multinationals8
Athletico Dads 2
7:00PM Field 1
Ageless Wonders2
Athletico Manly4
7:15PM Field 4
Seaforth Crusaders8
Norfolk n' Chance0
7:45PM Field 1
Sorry Lads0
Hardly Athletic6
8:30PM Field 1
The Fans-Tastics2
Filthy Sanchez1
Monday 09 Sep 2024
6:30PMField 4
The Multinationals
9 - 1
Sorry Lads
7:00PMField 1
Hardly Athletic
2 - 5
Athletico Dads
7:15PMField 4
Filthy Sanchez
4 - 5
Athletico Manly
7:45PMField 1
Seaforth Crusaders
4 - 2
The Fans-Tastics
8:30PMField 1
Norfolk n' Chance
1 - 9
Ageless Wonders
Monday 09 September 2024
6:30PM Field 4
The Multinationals9
Sorry Lads1
7:00PM Field 1
Hardly Athletic2
Athletico Dads 5
7:15PM Field 4
Filthy Sanchez4
Athletico Manly5
7:45PM Field 1
Seaforth Crusaders4
The Fans-Tastics2
8:30PM Field 1
Norfolk n' Chance1
Ageless Wonders9
Monday 16 Sep 2024

Semis Final
7:00PMField 3
Seaforth Crusaders
5 - 2
Athletico Dads

Semis Final
7:45PMField 3
The Fans-Tastics
4 - 5
Filthy Sanchez

8:45PMField 3
Seaforth Crusaders
7 - 3
Filthy Sanchez
Monday 16 September 2024
7:00PM Field 3
Semis Final
Seaforth Crusaders5
Athletico Dads 2
7:45PM Field 3
Semis Final
The Fans-Tastics4
Filthy Sanchez5
8:45PM Field 3
Seaforth Crusaders7
Filthy Sanchez3